Assisted Living Locations

Assisted Living, Page 2: Benefits to Assisted Living Facilities

The Benefits

of Memory Care Services

to Assisted Living Facilities

There are MULTIPLE BENEFITS to Assisted Living Facilities as they work with Memory Care of Arizona.

Memory Care of Arizona Provides Unique Value Propositions to Assisted Living Facilities

Memory Care’s service is an excellent way for Assisted Living Facilities to distinguish themselves in an increasingly competitive industry.

Because Memory Care’s comprehensive approach to memory care is unique, the facility is adding something truly different from their competitors.

For facilities that already offer some kind of memory care of environmental security protection, our service adds Scientifically Advanced Layers of Medical Support and caring for residents.

Assisted Living Facilities Increase Their Revenue Streams, with the Services of Memory Care of Arizona

There are many ways that Memory Care of Arizona increases the revenue streams of an Assisted Living Facility. We name some of them in the area below.

Memory Care of Arizona adds Specialized Medical Services to the Assisted Living Facility

While other Assisted Living Facilities may offer standardized programs to what they provide, the facility that provides Memory Care of Arizona’s Customized Medical Services of memory care to their programs, provides outstanding services that are truly unique.

While many facilities provide the minimum care necessary, the Memory Care Program of Memory Care of Arizona provides Advanced Scientific Programs of Memory Care to the residents.

Assisted Living Facilities can Increase the Facility’s Name and Repetition

The Facility becomes MORE ATTRACTIVE to potential residents.

This is  because the Facility has the specialized work of Memory Care of Arizona’s NEUROLOGICAL MEMORY CARE PROGRAMS for the facility’s residents.

Memory Care of Arizona Increases Sales for the Assisted Living Facility

Memory Care of Arizona provides an extremely versatile “tool” to help the facility increase their sales and marketing, as their sales staff search for and place residents within their facility.

The “EXTRA”   NEUROLOGICAL  SERVICES as provided by the Memory Care Medical Programs to the residents, WILL ATTRACT MORE RESIDENTS to the facility.

Improved Residents Health

As each resident participates in the Memory Care of Arizona’s Memory Care Program, their physical and mental health will improve.

This is due to the ADVANCED LEVELS of MEDICAL CARE that Memory Care of Arizona provides as a part of the Memory Care of Arizona’s services.

Improved Ease of Care of Residents

The Facilities Residents will receive an advanced quality of health care with an Improved Quality of Life, adding Life to Their Years.

As they improve both physically and mentally, the residents become less confused, less frustrated, and less angry.

As this happens, the residents become more relaxed and pleasant to be around.

They become much easier to work with as their memory and mental and emotional health improves.

Reducing Cost of Staff

Memory Care of Arizona provides our own TEAM  of doctors, neurologists, psychologists, and neurofeedback therapists and specialists, who oversee the actual therapy work with the residents.

Memory Care of Arizona provides the services of our own personnel staff because they are trained in our specialized Memory Care procedures.

This reduces the amount of facility staff time, because when the facility’s staff brings the participating residents to their therapy sessions, the facility’s staff is then released to go and do other things in the facility, saving the facility time and money while the staff perform other duties than caring for residents.

Memory Care of Arizona’s Staff takes over the total care of the residents from the time the residents enter the therapy room until they leave.

Typically, the amount of time is around 2.5 to 3 hours for each resident to be in therapy, and this occurs for 3 days each week.

This reduces the facility’s resident staff time during these hours.

Reduced Stress of Staff

The facility will find that as their residents go through the Memory Care Therapy Programs, their residents are more pleasant to be around.

Residents worry less, are less demanding, and combativeness is reduced.

Thus, the residents become more calm and enjoyable to be around.

As the residents become more relaxed and pleasant to be with, life is better.

The facility’s staff will be less stressed and much happier as they work with residents.

Reducing Numbers of Staff

As residents become easier to care for, this directly reduces the amount of time and care required of the staff to care for the residents, thereby reducing the number of staff needed per resident.  

More is accomplished with less staff.

The Resident’s Family is More Satisfied

As each resident improves, both mentally and physically, family members and friends will be very pleased with the facilities administration of their loved one’s care.

This results in Complements to the Facility, equaling new referrals.

Increased Family Referrals of NEW Residents.

As Memory Care of Arizona benefits the facility’s residents, their family members will of course take notice and be pleased with the outstanding service their parents, spouses, and relatives are receiving.

Due to this, they will tell other family members and friends who have family members in similar circumstances.

Then, of course, the family will end up referring new residents to the facility.

Of course, each NEW REFERRAL is at NO additional REFERRAL FEE COST to the facility, because it is “word of mouth” from friends and family.

Decreased Cost of Professional Referral Fees

Family referrals that fill up the facility’s rooms also decrease the amount of professional referral fees paid out, thereby increasing the facility’s revenue stream.

In addition, residents stay longer because they are enjoying life more, having Improved Quality of Life experiences, and adding more Life to Their Years.

This decreases the need to pay out fees for Professional Locators, thereby increasing revenue.

Increased Length of Time within the Facility

As resident’s lives improve, each will hold on to their personal states of minds longer without the normal age related deterioration that is typically expected.

As this happens, the Assisted Living Facility does not have to forward them into other more intensive care facilities as soon as is typically expected.

Therefore the Assisted Living Facility’s turnover decreases, and rooms stay filled longer.

This increases the income to the facility by keeping rooms filled, and reducing costs of Professional Locator’s fees paid for marketing to new incoming residents.

Increased Numbers of Referrals to Facility

With this increase in residents staying longer within the facility, the facility does not have to search as frequently for new residents.

Therefore, as the need arises for new placement, the Facility will receive MORE REFERRALS, both from family and friends, and from Professional Locators, to the facility, due to the Advanced Memory Care Programs of Memory Care of Arizona.

These Benefits Result In






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