Training Your Brain

NeuroTherapy, Part 2: Training Your Brain

More Than 50 Years of Research in University Labs

Research has shown at the Scientific Lab Level and also in Private Practices that training the brain with Neurofeedback has over an 85% Success Rate of improving ADD, hyperactivity, learning difficulties, and other problems caused by abnormal brain activity.

The scientific research studies reveal that Neurofeedback improves the brain, and this results in improved behavior in many ways, including that of reducing depression, and anxiety, and decreasing confusion, and problems with words, and loss of memory.   Scientific Research verifies Brain Improvement with Neurofeedback.

Dr. Jack Woodward, MD Psychiatrist, in Clayton, Georgia  states that, “In my 38 years of practice, I have never seen any treatment that comes close to producing the results that Neurofeedback offers… I have seen results achieved in days and weeks that previously took months and years to achieve.”

Dr. Daniel Amen, states that, “In my experience with EEG Neurofeedback… many people are able to improve… and decrease their need for medication.” —Daniel Amen M.D., of Amen Clinics in California.

Dr. Corydon Hammond states that, “Ordinarily, we cannot influence our brainwave patterns because we lack awareness of them.  However, when you can see your brainwaves on a computer screen a few thousandths of a second after they occur, it gives you the ability to influence and change them.  The mechanism of action is operant conditioning. …We are literally reconditioning and retraining the brain.”
—  Dr. Corydon Hammond, Professor & Psychologist at University of Utah School of Medicine in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

Neurofeedback uses highly specialized equipment to Re-Train the brain. The process corrects and normalizes the malfunctioning brain wave patterns, and thus, improves peoples lives, including that of memory.

Neurofeedback is for All Ages

From Youth to Seniors

A comprehensive program of therapy will always include a medical evaluation, psychological assessments, and Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback.  Whether for the Young or for the Elderly, a complete evaluation always includes a complete physical and mental evaluation to determine where the neurological malfunctioning conditions exist that are causing mental emotional problems to occur.

Research shows that the work of Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback are equally effective in making neurological changes and improvements in both the Young and the Elderly. Brains continue to grow and develop over time, and while negative things may happen, such as a brain injury from being hurt while paying sports, or from being in a car accident, the brain has abilities.  The brain has “plasticity” and can be improved.

Neurofeedback For the Young

While Parents May Plan for Their Child’s College Education,

Studying for Life

That education may never happen if their child’s brain is not functioning well enough to make good grades now.   And getting that great job in the future will not happen unless their brains are working well enough now to prepare for success in the future.

Therefore, it is most important to “upgrade” the brain from whatever its present state and correct its inappropriate actions now, and make desired changes that are necessary in the early stages of life in preparation for success in later life. 

Neurofeedback is the Path.

Neurofeedback for:

University Students

Neurofeedback makes University Studies Easier to Accomplish.


For those who are having any trouble “in making the grades”, the use of Neurofeedback makes learning faster and easier.  

Research has proven that University students who used Neurofeedback Improved Their Grades and GPAs

Professionals & Executives

In the Business World, The Brain must Stay Sharp.

Keeping the Professional "Edge"

As brains learn and maintain correct patterns, there will be many positive changes occurring in a person’s life as brains remain sharp.

Individuals who desire to increase their mental performance will greatly improve as their capabilities increase with the use of Neurofeedback.

In Keeping Their “Edge”.

Creative Professions

Thinking "Outside the Box"

Creative vocations such as Writers, Scientists, Artists, Social Workers, to Dancers, and Teachers, and All Those who have to think “outside of the box” will be more relaxed in their quest for achieving their desired inspiration.

This is accomplished through Peak Performance Training with Neurofeedback.

Creativity becomes easier to achieve and the brain works at its Optimal Levels of Performance after training with Neurofeedback.


Saturday Golf

Neurofeedback has been used with sports teams in the Olympics.

Whether an athlete is Professional or a Saturday Sports Warrior, from those who play as Professional Ball Players to Mid Week Golfers, all those who want to “Improve Their Game” and “Be in The Zone” will benefit from Neurofeedback training.

This is with Neurofeedback’s Peak Performance Enhancement Training. This is as a way to increase focus on the game, and be on target, having concentration for enjoying the game and doing your best.

Neurofeedback For the Elderly

As People Age and Grow Older, many physical and mental changes take place that cause life to appear harder and more stressed.  There can be many reasons for this, from medical conditions to hormones that are out of balance, to chemical changes in the body that negatively affect peoples lives, the process of growing older may be difficult for many.

For some people, the process of growing older does not have the same negative affect, as some people remain “as sharp as a tack” and stay bright and alert throughout the entire time.  For others, mental conditions decline, and words and thoughts are harder to express.  Things may be more difficult to remember, and they may become more confused.  As this happens, when the brain is losing its former glory, there may be solutions.

The First Step is to Obtain an EEG Brain Map, and according to the Neurologist’s report, they should start Neurofeedback Re-Training of the brain.   Many solutions may not appear on the surface of things, but With an EEG Brain Map and with Neurofeedback Re-Training, Life can Improve, and be A Happier Place to Be


The problems addressed with Neurofeedback brain Re-Training include many conditions and areas.

From Children to Senior Citizens, Neurofeedback works to reduce slow wave thinking and increase faster better recall in the form of “Brain Brightening” that increases the ability to think more clearly.

Whether Young or Old, Neurofeedback is a Boon for Better Mental Clarity, as well as with physical conditions, such as strokes and brain injuries, life can be improved and the Quality of Life Returns.

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