Nutrition for the Brain

NutraCeuticals, Part 2:  Nutrition for the Brain

Memory Care of Arizona presents this section for the benefit of those who are searching for answers of how to have a good memory.  Research shows that nutrition plays a very important role in the ability of the brain to function as it should in top performance.

There are some very good companies that have studied the brain, as to its nutrition needs, and how to keep it in good condition.  Memory Care of Arizona will feature three of these companies and their products here on the web site and in our clinic offices.

The First Company

is that of Dr Daniel Amen, of Amen Clinics in California.

The Second Company

Specializes in nutrition based on scientific research.

On page 3, read about their research and their powerful products formulated for improving the brain:

Mild Cognitive Impairment and on

Alzheimer’s Conditions – Nutrition for the Brain.

The Third Company

is that of Dr Eric Braverman, of Total Health Nutrients in New York.

Dr Braverman is on the Life Extension Scientific Review Board and has been featured on the cover of their Nutrition Magazine.

Each of the next pages will focus on these companies and their products for improving the brain.

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