Analyzing the Brain

Brain Maps, Part 2: Analyzing the Brain (continued)

Re-Training the Brain

For Improved Ability

The Neurologist studies and evaluates the EEG brain map to analyze and determine what is wrong, and writes a report.  In addition, the Neurologist determines the best method of how to return the brain back to being normal. This is put into a written report that includes the treatment plan and protocols needed for the Neurofeedback sessions, as to where the brain can be improved, for changing the brain’s malfunctioning problems, and for turning it around.

Neurofeedback is considered one of the best methods for correcting the brain’s problems, and for achieving optimal results in Re-Training the brain.

It is one of the best methods for reversing the negative problems and going back toward the normal operations mode.

Neurofeedback Sessions for Re-Training the Brain

As you plan your schedule for doing Neurofeedback Sessions, make sure this is a time that will be constant, as the sessions last an hour and are for 3 days a week.  These sessions are followed by the computerized specialty brain training exercises for Cognitive Rehabilitation and Sensory Integration.

Altogether,  a complete time of 2 and 1/2 hours is for the 3 days a week time sessions.  Consistency is important in achieving the goal of changing the neurological functioning of the brain.

Following a treatment plan for optimal achievement in improving the brain is a wonderful and an exciting use of time that produces incredible results.  However, it is a process that for best results, does take time.

The Brain is a Wonderful Creation that has enormous potential through plasticity for improving itself, and our devoted staff provides specialized training for you as you sit in front of the screen, training the brain to adjust and make changes.  This is a special time as you teach your brain how to get back into normal neurological functioning.

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