Analyzing the Brain

Brain Maps, Part 2: Analyzing the Brain (continued)

A Clinical Evaluation

Deep within the brain waves that show up and are measured on the scalp.  These are important locations for Neurofeedback work, and being able to know precisely where they are located is a great benefit to the clinician.  Therefore, we now turn to the use of Low-Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography, known as LORETA for short.  This process provides enhanced 3-D images of slices of brain activity for looking deeper within the brain.  This enables us to locate areas that generate problem brainwaves.  The following example identifies the areas that have too much large theta activity, and this shows up as red hot spots on the chart.

angry face

Blue – Shows Under Activity in the Brain

This means that there is a problem with increased amounts of theta in the areas shown in red above, pinpointing the locations related to a brain injury suffered by the patient.  The Neurologist now has additional information on which to base Neurofeedback therapy.   The following in an additional view of what is occurring in the brain of an individual.

The red areas again show the problem areas of the brain injury.

angry face

The following pictures show examples of activity happening in the brain.

The top of the chart shows the front part of the brain, and the bottom part of the chart shows the back area of the brain’s activity.

Red – Shows too much Abnormal Activity of “Hot Spots” in the Brain

The above pictures describe the conditions within the brain where the brain is having problems.

Re-Training & Teaching the Brain One Hz at a Time

In addition to the previous ways to use the Brain Map to identify problems in brain areas, there is a very specific method that enables us to see the brainwave bands of Delta (0-4 Hz), Theta (4-8 Hz), Alpha (8-12 Hz, and Beta (12 up to 40 Hz) and divides them into smaller increments of one Hz each.

So, rather than having to work with the complete broad band of delta, or of theta etc., the Brain Map can pinpoint the exact brainwave Hz that is causing the problem, and we can zero in on a very specific range of frequencies that are abnormal and causing the brain to malfunction.   Here we can narrow the search to be specific to the Hz that is too high or too low. We use this knowledge to define the delta/theta Re-Training of the brain to a specific location at the back of the head, as shown in the red areas. This specific targeting method means that Re-Training is more efficient.

angry face

As seen in the chart, the red color indicates problems in the areas of both delta and theta in the back of the head.

These show up as “hot spots” of abnormal areas of activity.

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