Analyzing the Brain

Brain Maps, Part 2: Analyzing the Brain (continued)

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Brain injuries (TBI) may result from many different situations, from falling off of a bike to being hit in the head with a ball as a childIn older adults it might be from a car accident, or from tripping and falling down and bumping the head.   It might be even more severe than at first thought, especially if there are any conditions of confusion and loss of memory.

Even many small events and happenings may result in conditions of brain injury, running the range of simple to severe.  Each of these creates their own areas of mental and emotional concerns that may include being confused, having a loss of memory, and experiencing a loss of speech abilities.  Before diagnosing the problem, always run an EEG Brain Map to see if there has been a problem that resulted in damage to the brain, that resulted in brain injury.

These 2 charts are from a Brain Map, and these graphs provide us with additional information and shows the Traumatic Brain Injury, as the TBI Probability Index scores, that indicate the person’s probability rating of having a mild traumatic brain injury.angry face

    The TBI Discriminant Score = 1.33
    The TBI Probability Index = 99.5%
    The TBI Severity Index = 2.85

This severity score places the patient in the MILD range of severity.

A Learning Disability Brain Map Chart

The 2 charts shown below provide information about the

angry face

person’s probability of being in the Learning Disability population.

    LD Discriminant Score = – 3.08
    LD Probability Index = 99%LD
    Severity Index = 8.21

The LD Severity Index is an estimate of the neurological severity of Learning Disability, and it shows that the individual is within the SEVERE range of having a Learning Disability.

The conditions of having a learning disability may result from a number if things, from something like a a medical condition relating to the thyroid, to a nutritional deficit that disrupts the ability of the brain. Run an EEG to see what the Brain Map will suggest as to the severity of the condition.

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