Blood Flow of the Brain

NutraCeuticals, Part 1:  Brain Blood Flow (continued)

Solutions for Increasing

Cerebral Blood Flow

As can be seen from the previous pages, there is often a problem with the blood flow going to the brain, and as this happens, there is a problem with the ability of the brain to function as it should.  This includes the problem of a decline in memory.

Therefore, this page will be devoted to information on NITRIC OXIDE because it is one of the best solutions to reducing the hardened clogged artery buildup in the circulation system.

Dr Louis J. Ignarro

Dr. Louis J. Ignarro spent over 30 years in his research, and he discovered NITRIC OXIDE.  For this valuable knowledge, he received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998.

The value of his discovery is that he provided the evidence that NITRIC OXIDE improves the lining of the cells in the body, including the heart and cardiovascular system.  Scientists have taken this knowledge and created formulas that use NITRIC OXIDE to reduce the hardened clogged plaque in the cell walls, and this effectively reduces the amount of build up in the arteries, cleaning them so that blood flow is increased.

All of this is toward preventing cardiovascular disease and even reversing it — Without prescription drugs.

So what does this have to do with the brain and memory?  First of all, a reduction in plaque in the arteries means that the blood can flow more freely through the arteries and veins, allowing the blood to take oxygen, glucose, and nutrients to the brain.  In the brain the blood is used to replenish the brain’s cells and neurons, and improve the ability of the brain to remember with increased mental clarity.  All of this is vastly important for memory!!!

Formulas That Contain NITRIC OXIDE

Memory Care of Arizona acknowledges the company of Synergy WorldWide that makes one of the best formulas containing NITRIC OXIDE.  Enjoy this knowledge and what it will do for you.

ProArgi-9 Plus

The following videos introduce you to the work of Dr. Louis Ignarro and his discovery of NITRIC OXIDE and the many benefits it holds, including memory.

The above video is an Introduction to ProArgi 9 Plus, with Alan Thicke as Narrator.

The video above is on Synergy’s ProArgi 9 Plus with Dan Higginson, Founder and CEO of Synergy WorldWide

The above video is by the American Health Journal.

They present the work of Dr Lewis Ignarro, Nobel Prize

winner in 1998, with Dr Ignarro discussing the benefits of NITRIC OXIDE.

This above video is also by the American Health Journal, with Dr Louis Ignarro speaking.

Dr Ignarro talks about the long term benefits of NITRIC OXIDE in relation to reversing and preventing High Blood Pressure, Heart Attacks, Strokes, and Atherosclerosis Heart Disease.

The video above is with Dr Louis Ignarro discussing the benefits of NITRIC OXIDE in decreasing blood pressure, and in preventing clots and strokes.

Dr Ignarro also talks about the use of NITRIC OXIDE in restoring memory and increasing the ability of the brain for learning and taking in new information.

He also discusses NITRIC OXIDE in relation to Alzheimer’s conditions.

ProArgi 9 Plus at Memory Care of Arizona Clinics

As you can see, Memory Care of Arizona greatly values the work on NITRIC OXIDE by Dr Louis Ignarro, and so much so, that Memory Care of Arizona carries the ProArgi 9 Plus NITRIC OXIDE formulas at the clinic’s office.  This is for the ease and convenience of patients being able to pick it up while at the clinic working on Memory Care Programs.

The Research of the High Deseret Heart Institute in California

The next page is about the research that was done in 2009 at the High Deseret Heart Institute in California.  The research used NITRIC OXIDE as contained in the formula of ProArgi 9 Plus.

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